Expert in functional materials for 3D printing

Audrey Laventure

Audrey Laventure is a specialist in materials chemistry, particularly so-called “amorphous” materials, a term that is opposite to her passion for her discipline. Her work, at the crossroads of chemistry and physics, explores the emerging field of 3D printing. Laventure is studying the behaviour of materials in the context of additive manufacturing to develop an advanced understanding of the material organization to create functional 3D objects. 

3D printing involves complex architectures. One of the objectives of the Laventure research group is to transition from complex yet passive architectures, to complex and functional ones. 

Laventure’s research is focused on understanding how to modulate the properties of materials through molecular assembly. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to accelerate the high throughput screening of the processing conditions materials that can be used in 3D printing to endow them with new functionalities. 

After completing her Ph.D. as a Vanier scholar at the Université de Montreal and a NSERC postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Calgary, Audrey Laventure returned to her alma mater in 2020 to start her research laboratory. She holds the Canada Research Chair Tier II in Functional Polymer Materials.


To learn more about her research